How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn

Keep2share is one of the best file hosting platforms available online. Today we will explore and learn How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn.  We will try to explore if there are ways by which we can increase the download speed for Keep2share.

How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn :

Keep2share is one the best and easy method available to upload, store and share file online. In this post of How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn , we will be searching methods of increasing the download speed.

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Before het to know on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn , lets understand what is Keep2share.

How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn

Keep2share :

There are instances when you want to share a large file ( which may be a data file or some video file) with someone, and you cant share it on mail or  whatsapp because of the size issue. Most of the platform support only a limited size, e.g  gmail support only 10 MB file size.

That is where file sharing platform like Keep2share comes into picture and Keep2share is one of the simplest and most popular file sharing platform. You simply upload your file on Keep2share, create a free link and share this link with the person you want your file to be shared. The other person can simply watch it or share it at his end.

How to Upload and Share File on Keep2share :

First of all you have to create your account on Keep2share.  Once you have created  an account, now you can upload files easily into the cloud space of Keep2share. After uploading, you can share links and you viewer or receiver can watch or download it directly.

Uploading File on Keep2share:

Follow this step-by-step guide to upload files on Keep2Share-

  1. Register on Keep2share: Create an account on Keep2share.
  2. Login in you account: Now once you have created your account, you need to logging into it.
  3. Upload Section: Go to the upload section, click on upload button
  4. File Selection: Once you have click on upload button you will be asked to choose the file location on your system. Click on the file to be uploaded.
  5. Link: Once you have uploaded the file, Keep2share will provide you the link.

Now you can share this link with any of your receiver and they can have the exact copy that you have uploaded on the cloud platform of Keep2share.

Downloading file on Keep2share:

  1. Share the link: share the link with your receiver, whom you want to have access of the file that you have uploaded.
  2. Download section: Once your receiver click on the link that you have provided; he or she will be taken to the download file section. Your user can download it and save it on his or her machine.

Different type of download:

Now you have two type of downloading option with you

  1. Free Downloading : Here the speed is limited as well you may have to wait for 30-40 seconds depending on the setting.
  2. Paid download: Here the downloading speed will be excellent as wel as there will be no waiting period.

Difference between Free and paid version of Keep2share:

Before we coming back to our original question of Understand How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn,  first lets understand the main difference between free and paid version of Keep2share account.

Keep to share has three types of account

  1. Free Account
  2. Premium Account
  3. Premium PRO Account

Here are the main difference amounts of these accounts.

FreePremiumPremium PRO
Cost per month$0$13$16
Daily download limit1 GB20 GB50 GB
Max. file size1 GB10 GB50 GB
Download starts…After 30 secondsImmediatelyImmediately
Download speed50 kb/sMaximumMaximum
Anonymous Downloads
Download accelerator
Download manager
Parallel downloading
Resume downloads
Stream & previewLimitedLimitedUnlimited
Virus checker


As we can see the more price you are going to shed, the more features you will get.

But our todays topic is not asking you to jump on premium pro account rater we are sharing details on free account on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn, here are discussing about free account.

Keep2share fast download :

You can apply the following methods I you wish to know how to increase keep2share download speed using vpn:


It is proven fact that if you are using a VPN, there is great possibility that you will experience faster download speeds.

The reason for the same is  that Some ISPs often slow down the connection speeds intentionally for file hosting services like Keep2Share, so that they can manage network traffic. How ever by using a VPN for Keep2Share downloads , you can easily bypass any bandwidth throttling enforced by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). By connecting to a VPN server, you can hide you locational constraints and also can prevent your ISPs from reducing their download speeds, therefore resulting in faster and more consistent downloads from Keep2share.

Which VPN to choose:

Now again there are many type of VPNs available, free and paid, we are assuming that you are trying to get a free VPN. For the same, you should only target VPN with the following capabilities-

  1. VPN with Large Network: Try to Choose a VPN provider that has a large network of servers worldwide. However chances are that you may not much say in it as you are targeting a free VPN service.
  2. Geographic Barrier of VPN: Do not try to have a VPN connection that has server on the other part of the world, rather try to Connect to a VPN service provider which has its server located fairly close to the Keep2Share server. This will reduce latency and hence will help you in getting to answer know how to increase keep2share download speed using vpn.
  3. Premium VPN Service: If it is possible for you to upgrade to a premium VPN subscription, do that as you will for sure will get faster download speed.

Geographical Limitations:

There are cases where a certain type of material or media is not available in one country because of the copyright issue or government policies, however if you are using a quality VPN service, you will definitely by pass all those constraints. And hence will get a better downloading experience keep2share high speed download free.

How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn

Alternatives to keep2share:

Though our today question is How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn, but for the benefit of our users let try to identify if there are ways or methods that are better or at least equivalent to Keep2share

  1. Dropbox : Dropbox is one of the best alternatives to Keep2share. It is a file hosting service provided features which are almost similar to Keep2Share. It offers Maximum file size is 100 MB for free plan whereas 2 GB for paid Plus user plan and 100 GB for paid Professional plan. One can consider Dropbox as an alternative to Keep2share.
  2. Google Drive: I believe, everybody knows about Google Drive these days. Google Drive is a file storage service and as the name is suggesting is it being provided by Google. It is one of the easiest methods available that allows users to store files and personal data and to share with others. It offers 15 GB free storage space, but that includes Gmail space as well. Google Drive was launched by Google in 2012.Almost everyone is using Google drive these days to store some professional and personal data.
  3. MediaFire : MediaFire is also a good alternative to keep2share. It is a simple to use free service that you can use to put all your photos, documents, music, video or any other large file in a single place so you that can access them anywhere or can share these with your recipients.
  4. Mega: Mega Cloud storage is to Securely store, manage, and share your data online. As per their website, they have taken utmost care and one of the most secure platforms for sharing data’s.
  5. OneDrive : Microsoft One Drive is your personal cloud sharing space where you can store and share data with your users. Best part of OneDrive I that it integrates with File Explorer on Windows and Finder on Mac. This way user can view, open, share, and work directly from desktop. Another feature of OneDrive is that its Files On-Demand feature lets you save disk storage space. Files will be downloaded automatically only when the users is trying to open them.

 FAQ on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn:

In this section, let’s explore the number of questions asked by our users on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn .

How we can get keep2share high speed download free?

As we have discussed above, with the help of the VPN, you can increase the speed of the keep2share fast download. In the Meantime you are free to choose the alternatives as well, which are being described above in the post.

How to bypass keep2share download limit?

Well here is a method, but this is not foolproof and may not work all the time. If it’s a site which has limiting its users’ speed limits, you need to start the download and stop it. After that, you need to export your cookie, and then copy and paste the download link in an incognito or new browser. Sometimes it may work, and sometimes it may not.

Conclusion on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn:

Our conclusion on How To Increase Keep2share Download Speed Using Vpn is that you can increase speed either by choosing a free VPN service or can even look for the great alternatives that are mentioned in this post.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. X22omisy

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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